Thursday, 11 April 2013

Maya Ocean System - Waves Part 3 (Foam & Misc)

I continued to work on the waves with the ocean shader functionality, adding in foam and some lighting for added detail in the scene.

For the foam I played around with the foam emission and threshold values to add a much desired sense of realism to the lack-luster waves, using this system didn't give as interesting results as the use of a particle system however it saved greatly on rendering times.

The foam texture is layered onto the wave geometry where there is a height difference between two points i.e. the crest and the trough. I made sure that the foam content was high to further illustrate the raging sea.

I used the common material attributes sparingly, the only features used was the overall colour of the ocean and the intensity of the trough shadow to show off highlighted areas in the scene, the crest and troughs of the waves.

I finally used the specular lighting function in combination with a directional light to add more detail to the water.

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